


     After doing some research on Ireland’s Healthcare system and I was impressed Iceland has a total of seven different kind of healthcare plans for there citizens. According to Government of Iceland states following The Health Services Act provides for the organisation of healthcare services. Its objective is to afford all Icelanders with access to the best available healthcare which can be provided at any given time. Everyone needs the services of the healthcare system at some time, although to a varying extent, and the system takes into consideration the different needs and circumstances of persons through all stages of life. The work of public health and preventive medical services are an important part of improving or maintaining good health and increasing well-being in Iceland” (U.S. National Library of Medicine). I honestly think its super great that Iceland provides great healthcare for each person’s needs as I was doing my research, I also came to know that Icelanders have their own insurance organizations and it’s a benefit that’s paid by all the people who live there. Another thing that I found interesting that a medical organization in Iceland stepped up and they established like another type of insurance plan were their citizens could more easily get into see any type of specialized. Icelanders also provide great health insurance for their older generations so that they can get all their healthcare needs and services Icelanders really appreciate the elderly. The perspectives that are similar is that both our country and their offer insurance option to their citizens so that they can get their medical and prescription needs for them to main a healthy life.   

     In Icelandic culture, their cultural beliefs and practices regarding death are that following is customary in this culture for love to send a personal announcement or by posting the news of a love in a daily journal post or a newspaper ad as well as letting every one of the passing of a family member. A very important key is to remember that Icelanders have several different religions and beliefs; therefore depending on what their religious norms will determine how they view or pursue the death of a loved one. In Iceland, people have two options they can burn the ashes of their love through Cremation. It was not seen in the early centuries, but it wasn't much help. Cremation didn't really take off until 2018. If Icelanders wanted to receive their loved one's ashes, they would have to go through some paperwork and go to the capital city to do this paperwork. Also, they will need to go to the capital city, where they have a pacific Cremation center where they perform this type of procedure. The other option that families have is that they place their love on a casket and pick which of the 5 cemeteries they want to lay them to rest in Iceland. 

        Suppose I was allowed to work in Iceland with an NGO organization or known as a non-governmental organization. My intercultural advice that I would give them is that they don't have to worry about the language barrio in Iceland because most of their population speaks English and has so many English businessman partners making it one of its primary languages. I would also encourage my friend to carry a small notebook where they could write down important information that they need to know or remember or have the employer hold a staff meeting with each department where you can ask questions on what everyone does and who you can go to when you're not sure what to do or what to say.   


Life and health. Go to frontpage. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2023, from

U.S. National Library of Medicine. (n.d.). Home - books - NCBI. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved April 9, 2023, from

Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, March 11). Icelandic funeral. Wikipedia. Retrieved April 9, 2023, from

Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, March 11). Icelandic funeral. Wikipedia. Retrieved April 9, 2023, from



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